Website Related Stuff > Member Introductions

Hey all


Undertaker Sheep:
Hey all, Undertaker Sheep here.

Igordog told me about this fanforum for Strike Anywhere, and me being the forum loving guy that I am decided to check it out asap. Only to find that the forum was down at that time... So here I am anyways

So I've seen Strike Anywhere live two times now, both last year. Fell in love with them the first time I saw them, and am really looking forward to seeing them again 26th of august!

Oh yeah, and if you happen to be a Rise Against fan aswell, I'm a very active member on their fanforum. Go check us out by clicking here

You will get used to the random errors and downtime. This place is still a bit of a work in progress, and I am but one person with a Pentium 3 server in his basement.


You should come back, you were pretty cool.


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