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Messages - Floyd

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Website News / Re: an upgrade? on my forum?
« on: June 05, 2024, 10:40:27 am »
hmmm weird. works for me. ill have to look into this
Website News / Re: an upgrade? on my forum?
« on: June 05, 2024, 10:39:44 am »
is posting broken for everyone becuase i thought it was working for me. this is a test or something i guess
Website News / Re: an upgrade? on my forum?
« on: December 15, 2020, 10:11:03 am »
confession: less than two hours after posting this i was once again overrun with spambots, and had to restore an older backup yet again, from just before i made this actual post. i uninstalled the antispam system from that attempt, then installed another one, which seems to be working perfectly, even after getting rid of two of the security questions for new members.
Website News / an upgrade? on my forum?
« on: December 13, 2020, 07:34:10 pm »
 it's more likely than you think.

yes, i finally upgraded the forum software from 2.0 to 2.0.17, along with it i had to also upgrade php from 5.2 to 5.4.45, the last version available for windows xp. i wonder how much longer smf will support php 5.x when the latest version is 7.0. mysql is still the same as it's always been. i did all this to try to get a better antispam system working, although if i could actually get the email verification system working that would probably help as much as anything. well anyway we just traveled seven years into the future in just a few hours. things are up-to-date. now if i could only get https working. oh well that's a project for another day. welcome to chorus of one 5.0. chorus of one 2000? idk i'll come up with a name later lol.
This topic got pulled up from the depths of the database during the forum upgrade. i don't know where it originally was, so i'll leave it here.
This topic got pulled up from the depths of the database during the forum upgrade. i don't know where it originally was, so i'll leave it here.
the poll is mostly irrelevant now, i joined facebook in 2011 lol
General Discussion / Re: Salvaged Poll 001 (A Test of the Poll System)
« on: December 13, 2020, 01:54:29 pm »
This topic got pulled up from the depths of the database during the forum upgrade. i don't know where it originally was, so i'll leave it here.
This poll was found without a topic.
This poll was found without a topic.
General Discussion / Salvaged Poll 001 (A Test of the Poll System)
« on: December 13, 2020, 11:15:39 am »
This poll was found without a topic.
Website News / wow much spam part 2: return of the spam
« on: December 04, 2020, 07:15:43 pm »
in the last three days a few thousand spam posts and nearly another thousand spam accounts joined the forum (sound familiar?). that is the most activity I've had on here since when the same thing happened last year. i ended up just restoring the most recent backup of the database, which unfortunately, was made about five minutes after i cleaned up the last spam attack, because i'm terrible at actually running a website. if you were one of the like two people who joined and posted since October 31, 2019, i'm sorry, you will have to recreate you're account. guess i'm gonna have to come up with a new fix for the antispam system. also maybe automate some fucking sql backups for once, they really aren't that big, damn.

oh and while i was in here i archived the news from 2016, it's here now.
also here's this year's showlog, it's not like i'll be going to any more shows any time soon anyway.
Floyd's Random Thoughts / not fest
« on: December 04, 2020, 06:27:45 pm »
originally posted: November 1, 2020
topic recreated December 4, 2020 because i had to restore an old backup

fest was supposed tom be this weekend. but it wasn't because it got canceled because of the plague that the president refuses to do anything about. i guess this truly concludes bummer summer. i've always thought of fest as more of a new year tha new year's eve, so let's hope that this also concludes the worst year ever, and on tuesday that piece of shit donald trump looses the election a lot. i dont particularly like joe biden either but it is at leas better than the alternative. if you haven't voted yet, then do that on tuesday. if not for yourself or all the people getting killed or left to die or the environment than at least for the hope that fest might happen next year. hopefully fest will happen next year. i miss shows. i miss my friends. i miss fest.
Thanks you! also, Welcome! i doubt you'll be back tho lol.

i wish i had more spare time to do weird stuff like that more often

winclassic looks to have some interesting stuff going on i might have to come over there soon lol.
Website News / Re: wow much spam
« on: August 31, 2019, 12:39:00 pm »
i had that once, but the email server i had set up was very unreliable. im thinking of just having as one of the questions "go to [some other place on the website] scroll to the bottom of the page, copy and paste the random string of characters into the answer box." that would probably stop most of them
Website News / wow much spam
« on: July 27, 2019, 05:26:56 pm »
in the last three days a few thousand spam posts and nearly 200 spam accounts joined the forum. that is the most activity i've had on here since 2012. i ended up just restoring a backup of the database from july 2, as nothing had changed since then. now im actually going to have to fix the antispam system.

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