is a show about two secret agents that collect artifacts that have weird powers, the artifacts can be anything from a chair that makes people act out their subconscious thoughts to a pair of underwear that allows the wearer to alter his density. They store the artifacts in a big warehouse in Wyoming, I think. the warehouse was built at the turn of the century, it was designed by Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, M.C. Escher, and a bunch more people.
The villain this season is HG Wells, who has been cryogenicly stored in the Warehouse, but then escaped, with the help of last season's villain, a former Warehouse agent named McPherson, he died. HG Wells is actually a woman, "[she] provided the research, [her] brother provided the mustache."
Episode 3 of Season 2 comes on tonight at nine, which is unfortunate, because it comes on at the same time as Matt's radio show. The first two episodes of this season are on now and at 8:00, you should watch them.