News Archives- June 2011

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June 30, 2011

Floyd's random thoughts

Not much has happened.

The show last Thursday did not happen, there was a show, but the Disregardables were not there I did not go. It's no big deal they will probably have another show soon. Futurama, was great there is another new episode tonight, you should all watch it. apparently Bender is a ghost (not a g-g-g-ghost) for some reason. I am working on a new page for the Computer Stuff section about Windows NT 3.51 it is not done yet. Thanks to a generous donation from a person who is not a member of my forum, the CO1/PCDS radio server can continue functioning for another year. THAT IS ALL.

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June 20, 2011

Floyd's random thoughts

what a week it has been.

All those shows were great, red city radio was awesome, I bought a copy of The Dangers of Standing Still. The show on the 15th was great too, I got to meet Mike, someone I know on the internet, but refuses to join this website he is in Sacred Love. I did not go to the one on the 16th. the Defiance Ohio show on the 18th was probably the best show I have been to this year. I could tell you about it, but words won't do it justice. It can best be summed up with one picture, my shoes when I got back home:

I met so many great people at that show and got to talk to all the people I already sort of knew. The show last night was pretty good too, Run Forever was awesome.


There are these shows this week:

Thursday, June 23

New Futurama episodes start Tonight!

Comedy Central

Thursday, June 23

The Disregardables, A Billion Ernies, Caddywhompus


I can't decide what I want to do. This is relevant, it is a preview for the Futurama premiere, in the other episode, apparently Bender gets the ability to duplicate himself (You have to highlight that if you want to read it). I have to choose between this and The Disregardables.


Also, The People United Anti-Flag forum is off-line for a few days, anyone from there that joins here can get all kinds of benefits that are secret.

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June 13, 2011

Floyd's random thoughts

I am going to a bunch of shows this week.

You will note that under the date it says "Floyd's random thoughts" that is because there are now 3 categories that I can file stuff under, Website News, Strike Anywhere News, and Floyd's random thoughts. If this website ever does become a bustling hub of internet activity, I want to be ready. I did this for yesterday's news too.

Anyway, I am going to a bunch of shows in Atlanta this week, and one in Athens. Here is a list:




Monday, June 13

Have Fun Exploding, Red City Radio , Captain We're Sinking


Wednesday, June 15

Sacred Love Homewrecker, Focused X Minds, Bentlife, Bad, Comatose


Thursday, June 16

The Disregardables, Paranoia Dance Party, SS Vendetta, The Carryons, Hermits of Suburbia  


Saturday, June 18

Toby Foster, Your Heart Breaks, Steven Scurry, Nana Grizol, Defiance, Ohio

Orange Twin Conservation Community Amphitheater

Sunday, June 19

Run Forever, Not Betty, Werewolves, Bolivian Search Party, Places To Hide                            


In the unlikely event that you are from Georgia, live in the Atlanta or Athens area, are reading this, and happen to be going to any of these, find me and we will talk about stuff. I am stoked for all of this, especially the Defiance Ohio show on the 18th. Tonight it's Red City Radio, it's 21 and up so that will suck, but it is supposedly free so that's good.

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June 12, 2011

Website News

Punkcdsampler needs money.

You know I will never ask you for money and do all I can to make this website cost absolutely nothing for everyone involved, myself included. However, I use the Punkcdsampler radio server because my free homage one is shitty and bad. Punkcdsampler needs to make the yearly payment on their radio server, it is $82.00 and if they don't have it by June 24 or the radio server will be shut off forever. so go to and donate money, it does not matter how much you get all kinds of great stuff for donating though. also, I guess I could do something if you come from here like, uhhh I will host your own personal web page on my site or fix your computer for you if you live close enough that I can. Ahhhh who am I kidding, nobody is going to read this or donate anything.

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