News Archives- December 2011

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December 27, 2011

Floyd's random thoughts

I am programming computers now!

Just for shits and giggles and my own entertainment. I am putting all my software on here for you to download, just go to and download all the nerdy goodness. I promise not to give you viruses. so far, there are only two things though.

I don't really feel like posting this on the forum.


December 24, 2011

Floyd's random thoughts

More Random Thoughts

Tomorrow is Christmas so here is this:

but on a more important note...

The Max Levine Ensemble
Hungry Hungry Humans
The Disregardables
Bad Mammals

Also, I will be seeing TMLE on the 28th in Athens too. Speaking of Athens, I was talking with someone on the internet the other day, and there may be a new space in Athens and I am going to try to help out with it and stuff, here is where the discussion took place: So if that happens, it will be awesome. Also I got an old electro-mechanical adding machine the other day, a Commodore it looks great sitting next to my old typewriter. re-installed Windows on my laptop the other day after it's built in network adapter died and I got a PCMCIA adapter to replace it. after I did that I ran windows update and let it update everything without upgrading to sp3. I wish I had not because the laptop is slow-ish now, but that could just be because I am using the latest Firefox all the time now. I would have a radio show now but the server software has not been re-installed on my laptop yet. I feel like there is something else to say here, but I can't think of anything, so I guess that is all

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December 4, 2011

Floyd's random thoughts

I guess I should post something here every once in a while.

In case you couldn't figure it out by that picture, November 29 was my birthday. I am now 22, I am checking into the nursing home next week. In other news, I have a new computer monitor, a 20" non-widescreen LCD, as my old 20" CRT died. I also bought some RAM for my computers but it did not work in my server, so I put it in the OS/2 computer where it only recognizes half of it. I spent 40 dollars on RAM I could not use. there are not a lot of shows this month, but The Max Levine Ensemble are playing a new years eve show at Wonderroot, so that should be great. The Wild is opening for Against Me! at The Masquerade, but fuck that. TMLE! also I think The Disregardables are going to be there. I have to admit, this new monitor is pretty great it's all thin and stuff, it's like I am living in the future.

What else happened lately? Nothing, November was a very boring month with no shows. The last show I went to was November 8, The Wild and Vacation at Wonderroot, before that I saw Timeshares and a bunch more bands at The Poopparty Palace on the first. I want to keep talking here but I have absolutely nothing to say. I think I am going to post the Google Analytics stuff sometime soon, I finally found out how to make it not count me, so now the site averages 2 visits a day, instead of 20. but there are two other visits from in Georgia. I demand you show yourselves, we can hang out for real and stuff.


Nobody reads this why do I even bother, I could unplug the server and nobody would know.

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