scrob123, a lastfm scrobler for pm123 in os/2

version 1.5 released 12/6/2023


Download current version 1.5 (18kb)

this is a barely functional release, but i thought i'd put it out there so that maybe someone better at this stuff than me could help out. please feel free to modify it any way you want to, i'd love to see any improvements you make. if you want to redistribute it at least let me know first and try to remember me in the credits

the program mostly relies on a php-based scrobbler i found online at

system requirements:

os/2 warp 4

php version [something]

curl for php



install all of the things in the system requirements. i'm not going to get into all of that here because i did all that like a year ago and tbh i cant remember how i did it.

as for getting this program running, all you probably need to do is edit scrob123.ini and add your lastfm username and password
you may also need to edit scrob123.cmd and autostart.cmd to make sure the paths are correct.


its a fully automated program. just open pm123 and then start scrob123.cmd. or edit autostart.cmd to do that for you


probably a lot of them. its functional but just barely. really wish i could find a way to interface main.php directly with scrobbler.php without needing to generate a cmd file to pass the arguments through example_scrobbler.php, but what happens inside example_scrobbler.php is a mystery to me.

it would also be great if i could figure out how named pipes work in php so i could eliminate trackdata.cmd. that was an example rexx script for interfacing with pm123 i found somewhere that i just managed to make work here i have no idea how it actually works either lol.

all my code is fairly well commented because i have a tendency to forget how i make things work there are probably tons of optimizations that could be done but i'm literally teaching myself php as i develop this. is php even the best thing to use here? i don't know. but php is required for the scrobbler i found online, so i might as well do it all in php anyway.



this page was last updated: december 6, 2023