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Website News / Re: chorus of one 4.5?
« Last post by Floyd on December 17, 2018, 07:07:43 pm »
whew that was a close one. i reset the database password because i forgot it and then the forum didn't work anymore. fortunately i remembered the old password and set it back to that and everything is back to normal now.
The Computer Stuff section / running Windows Media Player 10 on Windows 10
« Last post by Floyd on December 17, 2018, 12:53:16 pm »

This is the discussion and help topic for

i just dont feel like reposting all that here on the forum lol
Website News / chorus of one 4.5?
« Last post by Floyd on December 17, 2018, 09:18:47 am »
this isn't going to be a strike anywhere message board anymore. considering there isn't anybody on here anyway, that's probably doing the band more harm than good. the website will live forever, but from now on it's going to just be more general interest. perhaps focus more on computer stuff. it's still chorusofone, and will always be the most diy website this side of 1998, but with tumblr's future uncertain, i need a place i can go if that place disappears.
Floyd's Random Thoughts / Re: i'm not going to be on tumblr on december 17, 2018
« Last post by floyd just doing a test on December 16, 2018, 11:42:48 pm »
this is floyd, just doing a test to make sure the guest posting system still works.
the answers to the security questions are "no" "4.0" and "no".
the captcha is kinda hard to read, sorry about that, i set that up a long time ago and had a spam problem. the message board software is like three versions out of date at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

k thanx
Floyd's Random Thoughts / i'm not going to be on tumblr on december 17, 2018
« Last post by Floyd on December 16, 2018, 11:31:57 pm »
so tumblr has a bunch of awful new regulations, and has banned adult content. this website was basically founded as a way of complaining about another website that did something similar so it seems appropriate that im gonna spend the day on here instead of tumblr. a bunch of other people are logging off tomorrow too. maybe i'll just post some dumb memes on here to fill the space left by tumblr, maybe i'll do something interesting. anyway if any of my followers from tumblr stop by here, feel free to reply to this, you don't have to register on the forum guests can do it too. you have to give me your email address but dont worry i wont use it because i never got any kind of email server working on here, i always just had to use my personal account anyway.

well anyway, welcome, tumblr followers, pull up a groove and get fabulous. there isn't much going on here but maybe we could change that.
TV and Movies / Re: Eureka
« Last post by Floyd on November 22, 2018, 10:44:36 am »
ok so here it is, seven years after it was canceled, and this is still the most recent active topic under the tv and movies category.

well anyway i'm re-watching this show from the beginning now. there seems to be little need to post about it on here, but i thought i would anyway. tumblr apparently might die at any time, so i thought i'd try breathing a little life back into the old website.

im talking to myself. it's great.
Website News / it's been a while
« Last post by Floyd on November 12, 2018, 03:15:35 pm »
this place is more dead than it has ever been. i should do something new and interesting with this. put more computer stuff up here idk. seems like i spend all my time on tumblr now, also going to shows. oh well see you all again in like two years.
also i archived all the news from 2015. it's here now.
The Computer Stuff section / Re: Getting Program Manager to run in Windows 7 and Vista
« Last post by Floyd on February 27, 2017, 08:24:56 pm »
woah you came back!
The Computer Stuff section / Re: Getting Program Manager to run in Windows 10
« Last post by mrgamerface98 on February 22, 2017, 10:27:13 pm »
That's good since I got a new computer that is strong enough to handle Kega Fusion and it has Windows 10. :)
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